$18.00 AUD
GST included in the price

Organic Foot Bath Blend 500g - Peppermint
500g Refill Pack

Specially blended foot bath mix using traditionally used natural ingredients that help cleanse your body and healing of minor skin issues.

For centuries, people have used baths to heal, restore and re-centre. In fact, the entire field of thermal treatments revolves around the therapeutic effects of bathing. Even ancient philosophers, including Hippocrates and Plato, heralded the many benefits of hydrotherapy.

Packaged in a beautiful antique, glass, apothecary jar and wooden scoop. Clean and reuse this jar in your pantry, laundry or bathroom or get a 500g Refill bag for your jar.

Cautionary note about cleanses - With any cleanse start small and build up. Possible side effects include nausea fever, dizziness, diarrhea, headache, rash, and weakness.

HOW TO USE: Begin with 1/4 cup of bath mix to start with, into a hot bath water. ONLY As hot as your feet can handle but don't over do it. Make sure the heat of the water water is comfortably hot, NOT SCORCHING!

Gradually increase the amount of bath mix by 1/4 cup on the next occasion.

No more than 2 cups maximum. Do this bath 3 times a week to help your body expel toxin build up in your system, or when you're aching and tired.

Soak for about 20 minutes.

Please note: Soaps Of Eden is not responsible for any adverse reaction when using this cleansing bath. Please take care when trying any cleansing protocols. We recommend getting advise from your GP about doing a cleansing bath with the ingredients listed below. Also, please investigate the pros and cons to using these ingredients in our detox bath before you decide to use.

What are the benefits?

BORAX: is an increasingly popular natural remedy for a host of health issues. Borax has been known to have had a number of successful treatments and health benefits which are extensive, such as, treating chronic illnesses, including autoimmune diseases, hormone problems, and chronic pain.

It is an anti-inflammatory agent, effectively treats arthritis, gout, swollen gums, and other inflammatory diseases. Additionally, the substance eliminates bladder infections and urinary tract infections. Borax is also frequently used to treat other dis-eases, obesity, high blood pressure, arterial disease, and osteoporosis.

BENTONITE CLAY: Sodium bentonite clay is volcanic ash that settled on the seabed and became compressed over time. It features a high colloidal value, it's excellent at absorbing toxins from anything it touches. That's why it's such a powerful player in a variety of face and body masks, as it helps gently draw out bacteria, dead skin cells, and other complexion contaminants.

While you soak in the warm water, the clay goes to work absorbing the toxins from your skin. Rather than forcing them out (like a sauna would do), the clay particles actually absorb the toxins into their own molecules. Without getting too scientific, this works because toxins carry positive electrons and clay particles carry negative ones. This allows the clay to draw the toxins outward.

EPSOM SALTS: A popular home remedy which has been known for its benefits for aching muscles, inflammation, and arthritis pain. The most amazing part of an Epsom salt bath is that it is quite easy to take this bath, as it just involves adding a small amount of Epsom salt to a warm bath and soaking for approximately 15-20 minutes.

It has been known to help with inflammatory skin conditions, such as psoriasis,eczema, acne or rosacea, the healing properties of an Epsom salt bath may be precisely what you need. It can stimulate circulation in these areas to improve the rate of healing, while also improving the health of the skin and helping to strip away dead skin cells.

It helps as a pain reliever, Many people with arthritis swear by the benefits of Epsom salt baths, a quick remedy for stress relief, it helps to balance electrolyte levels and promote proper nerve function, it can also affect hormone levels and neurotransmitter movements that are critical to your mood and overall attitude.

BAKING SODA: an inexpensive, safe, and often times, effective way to care for your skin and treat health concerns such as the burning, swelling and itching caused by a yeast infection or eczema, soothing the irritations of psoriasis and also chicken pox. It helps to relieve tension and pain, promotes perspiration, boosts circulation, encourages healing and may also help to purify your body and boost immunity.

Ingredients: Baking soda, Epsom salts, Borax, Bentonite Clay, Peppermint Essential Oil.
100% Pure Peppermint essential oil. All jars come with a scoop.

Need an extra scoop? Get it here